UN SDG Learning Resources
Learners of all ages are invited to explore these curated resources and achieve a greater
understanding of the concepts addressed by the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Goal 1: No Poverty
UN SDG Goal 1- No Poverty (Website)
UNESCO- SDG Resources for Educators (Collection)
UN SDG- UN Goal 1: Why it Matters (Infographic Overview of Goal)
UN SDG- Goal 1 Summary (Infographic)
Brookings- Monitoring Poverty from Space (Article)
The Atlantic- Can Satellites Learn to ‘See’’ Poverty? (Article)
World Bank- Understanding Poverty (Website)
Goal 2: Zero Hunger
UN SDG Goal 2- Zero Hunger (Website)
UNESCO- SDG Resources for Educators (Collection)
UN SDG- UN Goal 2: Why it Matters (Infographic Overview of Goal)
UN SDG- Goal 2 Summary (Infographic)
National Geographic- Goal 2 Resource Library (Collection)
NASA Earth Observatory- Measuring Drought in South America (Article)
UN Environment Programme- Mottainai Waste Facts & Figures (Video)
NASA Earth Observatory- Fueled by the Nile (Article)
NASA EarthData- War on Hunger (Article)
USAID- Agriculture and Food Security (Article)
NASA Earth Observatory- Food Crisis Grows from Dry Soils (Article)
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being
UN SDG Goal 3- Good Health and Well-Being (Website)
UNESCO- SDG Resources for Educators (Library)
UN- UN SDG Goal 3 (Overview of Goal)
UN- UN SDG Goal 3: Why it Matters (Infographic Overview of Goal)
NASA Science- Fighting Mosquitoes from Space (Article)
NASA- NASA and Malaria Early Warning Systems (Infographic)
NASA- Using NASA Satellite Data to Predict Malaria Outbreaks (Article)
ESA- Satellites Helping to Assess Risks of Epidemics (Article)
Space Enabled, MIT- Dr. Danielle Wood “The Role of Space Technology to Support Sustainable Development” (Symposium Video)
McAuliffe Center- Perspectives of Earth (Website)
International Institute for Sustainable Development- Global Effort to Reduce Hunger Linked to Resolving Global Climate Health Challenges (Article)
Globe Program- Mosquito and Mosquito Habitat Science (Website)
Globe Program- Globe Mission Mosquito (Citizen Science)
NASA Earth Observatory- Of Mosquitoes and Models: Tracking Disease by Satellite (Article)
NASA Earth Observatory- Hurricane Maria Lashes Puerto Rico (Article)
NASA Earth Observatory- Could COVID-19 Have Seasons? Searching for Signals in Earth Data (Article)
Globe Program- Mosquito Habitats Resource Library (Resource Library)
Our World in Data- Global Health (Comprehensive Report)
Our World in Data- Malaria (Comprehensive Report)
NASA Earth Observatory- Airborne Nitrogen Dioxide Plummets Over China (result of COVID-19 pandemic) (Article)
Mass General Hospital- Center for Community Health Improvement (Website)
Goal 4: Quality Education
UN SDG Goal 4- Quality Education (Website)
UNESCO- SDG Resources for Educators (Collection)
UN SDG- UN Goal 4: Why it Matters (Infographic Overview of Goal)
UN SDG- Goal 4 Summary (Infographic)
UNESCO- Education Transforms Lives (Website)
Goal 5: Gender Equality
UN SDG Goal 5- Gender Equality (Website)
UNESCO- SDG Resources for Educators (Collection)
UN SDG- UN Goal 5: Why it Matters (Infographic Overview of Goal)
UN SDG- Goal 5 Summary (Infographic)
Global Citizen- Best and Worst Countries for Women in 2018 (Article)
World Economic Forum- Gender equality in STEM is possible. These countries prove it (Article)
UN- International Day of Women and Girls in Science (Video)
World Economic Forum- Globe Gender Gap Report 2020 (Comprehensive Report)
Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
UN SDG Goal 6- Clean Water and Sanitation (Website)
UNESCO- UNESCO SDG Resources for Educators (Resource Library)
UN SDG- UN Goal 6: Why It Matters (Infographic Overview of Goal)
UN SDG- Goal 6 Summary (Infographic)
National Geographic- Goal 6 Resource Library (Resource Library)
National Geographic- Clean Water and Sanitation: A Global Report Card (Infographic)
World Health Organization- Drinking Water (Article)
UN- United Nations launches framework to speed up progress on water and sanitation goal (Article)
World Health Organization- Sanitation (Article, Fact Sheet)
UN Water- Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (Article)
UN SDG- Eight Things You Need to Know About the Sanitation Crisis (Article)
NASA Earth Observatory- Fueled by the Nile (Article)
WHO- 1 in 3 people globally do not have access to safe drinking water (Article)
McAuliffe Center- Perspectives of Earth (Article)
Institute for Sustainable Communities- Woman and Water Alliance (Article)
NASA NEO- Rainfall (worldwide) (Data Map)
NASA Observatory- Where to Place a Rainwater Harvesting System (Article)
NASA Observatory- Cape Town's Water is Running Out (Article)
NASA Observatory- Tracking Water for the Navajo Nation (Article)
NASA Observatory- Scouting Watering Holes from Space (Article)
UN- Water (Article)
NASA- NASA Investigates Our Changing Water World (Article)
NASA EarthData- Agricultural and Water Resources Data Pathfinder (Website)
Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
UN SDG Goal 7- Affordable and Clean Energy (Website)
UNESCO- SDG Resources for Educators (Collection)
UN SDG- UN Goal 7: Why it Matters (Infographic Overview of Goal)
UN SDG- Goal 7 Summary (Infographic)
Union of Concerned Scientists- Energy (Website)
U.S. Energy Information Administration- Energy Kids (Educator Resource)
NASA Earth Observatory- The Largest Solar Power Plant in Europe (Image)
NASA Earth Observatory- Global Ocean Wind Energy Potential (Article)
NASA Earth Observatory- Smog Smothers Solar Energy in China (Article)
NASA Earth Observatory- Pinpointing Where the Lights Went Out in Puerto Rico (Article)
UN, WHO, other custodian agencies- Tracking SDG 7: 2019 Energy Progress Report (Comprehensive Report)
McAuliffe Center- Perspectives of Earth (Website)
NASA Visible Earth- Pollution in Eastern China (Image)
NASA Visible Earth- Pollution in Bangladesh and Northern India (Image)
NASA Earth Observatory- Coal Sludge Impoundments in West Virginia (Article)
NASA Earth Observatory- Coal Ash Spill, Tennessee (Article)
NASA Visible Earth- Oil Smoke in Southern Iraq (Image)
NASA Earth Observatory- 2007 San Francisco Bay Oil Spill (Article)
USGS- Large Oil Spills (Website)
Smithsonian Ocean- Gulf Oil Spill (Website)
NASA Earth Observatory- Off Shore Wind Farms Make Waves (Article)
American Wind Energy Association- Basics of Wind Energy (Article)
NASA Earth Observatory- Coal Controversy in Appalachia (Article)
NASA Earth Observatory- Sulfur Dioxide Emissions Fall in China, Rise in India (Article)
World Resources Institute- Linking Electricity Access and Development Outcomes in Africa: A Framework for Action (Comprehensive Article)
NASA Earth Observatory- Night Lights Show Slow Recovery from Maria (Article)
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
UN SDG Goal 8- Decent Work and Economic Growth (Website)
UNESCO- SDG Resources for Educators (Collection)
UN SDG- UN Goal 8: Why it Matters (Infographic Overview of Goal)
UN SDG- Goal 8 Summary (Infographic)
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
UN SDG Goal 9- Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (Website)
UNESCO- SDG Resources for Educators (Collection)
UN SDG- UN Goal 9: Why it Matters (Infographic Overview of Goal)
UN SDG- Goal 9 Summary (Infographic)
NASA Earth Observatory- Off Shore Wind Farms Make Waves (Article)
World Resources Institute- Linking Electricity Access and Development Outcomes in Africa: A Framework for Action (Comprehensive Article)
Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
UN SDG Goal 10- Reduced Inequalities (Website)
UNESCO- SDG Resources for Educators (Collection)
UN SDG- UN Goal 10: Why it Matters (Infographic Overview of Goal)
UN SDG- Goal 10 Summary (Infographic)
Nature- Using publicly available satellite imagery and deep learning to understand economic well-being in Africa (Article)
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
UN SDG Goal 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities (Website)
UNESCO- SDG Resources for Educators (Collection)
UN SDG- UN Goal 11: Why it Matters (Infographic Overview of Goal)
UN SDG- Goal 11 Summary (Infographic)
UN SDG- 68% of the world population projected to live in urban areas by 2050, says UN (Article)
NASA Earth Observatory- Haiti's Accidental City (Article)
Globe Program- Land Cover Science (Website)
Globe Program- Land Cover Resource Library (Website)
McAuliffe Center- Perspectives of Earth (Website)
NASA Earth Observatory- Smog Puts Dozens of Chinese Cities on Red Alert (Article)
Globe Program- Globe Land Cover (Citizen Science)
How Stuff Works- How Sustainable Communities Work (Article)
UMass Amherst- UMass Sustainable Community Development BS degree program (Career Track)
Institute for Sustainable Communities- Sustainable Community Development Overview
(Website)NASA Earth Observatory- The Urbanization of Ulaan Baatar (Article)
NASA Earth Observatory- Sulfur Dioxide Emissions Fall in China, Rise in India (Article)
NASA Earth Observatory- Tracking Water for the Navajo Nation (Article)
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
UN SDG Goal 12- Responsible Consumption and Production (Website)
UNESCO- SDG Resources for Educators (Collection)
UN SDG- UN Goal 12: Why it Matters (Infographic Overview of Goal)
UN SDG- Goal 12 Summary (Infographic)
International Institute for Sustainable Development- Why We Need a New Normal for Production and Consumption (Article)
Goal 13: Climate Action
UN SDG Goal 13- Climate Action (Website)
UNESCO- UNESCO SDG Resources for Educators (Collection)
UN SDG- UN Goal 13: Why it Matters (Infographic Overview of Goal)
UN SDG- Goal 13 Summary (Infographic)
International Institute for Sustainable Development- Global Effort to Reduce Hunger Linked to Resolving Glogal Climate Health Challenges (Article)
SDG Academy- Climate Action Solutions for a Changing Planet (Online Course [free])
NASA- NASA Global Climate Change (Website)
CLEAN Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network- CLEAN (Website)
WHO- Climate Change (Website)
American Museum of Natural History- What is Climate Change (Website)
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research- Climate (Website)
NOVA- Hurricanes and Climate Change (Article)
Yale Climate Connections- The many ways climate change worsens California wildfires
(Article)NASA Earth Observatory- Polar Bears Struggle as Sea Ice Declines (Article)
Globe Program- Clouds (Website)
Globe Program- Cloud Resource Library (Resource Library)
McAuliffe Center- Perspectives of Earth (Website)
NASA Earth Observatory- Glacier Change Threatens Andes Communities (Article)
NASA Global Climate Change- NASA Earth Now: Vital Signs of the Planet (Website)
MIT- MIT Climate Portal (Website)
MASS.gov- MA Climate Action
EPA- What Climate Change Means for Massachusetts (2016) (Article)
Climate Ready Boston- Preparing for Climate Change (Website)
Mass.gov- Massachusetts Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding Viewer (Website)
Boston Dept. of Environment- Boston Climate Action (Website)
Goal 14: Life Below Water
UN SDG Goal 14- Life Below Water (Website)
UNESCO- SDG Resources for Educators (Collection)
UN SDG- UN Goal 14: Why it Matters (Infographic Overview of Goal)
UN SDG- Goal 14 Summary (Infographic)
UN SDG- Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources
(Website)Woods Hole- Aquaculture (Article)
Woods Hole- Ocean Life (Website)
Woods Hole- Global Oceans and the Extinction Crisis (Article)
How to Smile- Ocean Literacy (Website)
NASA Earth Observatory- Satellite Observes Massive Ocean Migration (Article)
McAuliffe Center- Perspectives of Earth (Website)
NASA NEO- Chlorophyll Concentration (Data Map)
NASA Earth Observatory- Spring Bloom for South Africa (Article)
NASA Earth Observatory- Milky-Blue Water Near Prince of Wales Island (Article)
NASA Goddard- NASA Satellite Data Helps Protect Endangered Whales (Article)
NASA Earth Observatory- Bacteria Thrive as Ocean Warms (Article)
NOAA Ocean Today- Marine Life (Website)
NOAA Ocean Today- Fix the Ocean (Website)
Goal 15: Life On Land
UN SDG Goal 15- Life on Land (Website)
UNESCO- SDG Resources for Educators (Collection)
UN SDG- UN Goal 15: Why it Matters (Infographic Overview of Goal)
UN SDG- Goal 15 Summary (Infographic)
UN SDG- Life on Land (Website)
National Geographic- Global Biodiversity (Article)
WHO- Biodiversity (Article)
WWF- Biodiversity Toolkit (Teacher Resource)
NASA- Remote Sensing of Land Indicators for Sustainable Development Goal 15 (Webinar)
NASA Earth Observatory- Temperatures Predict Bird Diversity (Article)
NASA Earth Observatory- Chlorophyll (Global Maps)
NASA Earth Observatory- Vegetation (Global Maps)
NASA Earth Observatory- Polar Bears Struggle as Sea Ice Declines (Article)
NASA Earth Observatory- Spotting the Spotted Owl: 30 Years of Habitat Change (Article)
Globe Program- Land Cover Science (Website)
Globe Program- Land Cover Resource Library (Resource Library)
Globe Program- Trees (Website)
Globe Program- Tree Resource Library (Resource Library)
NASA Earth Observatory- Biosphere (Website)
McAuliffe Center- Perspectives of Earth (Website)
NASA NEO- Population Density (Data Map)
NASA NEO- Leaf Area Index (Data Map)
NASA Earth Observatory- Temporary Drought or Permanent Desert? (Article)
NASA Earth Observatory- Defining Desertification (Article)
Carbon Brief- Explainer: 'Desertification" and the Role of Climate Change (Article)
UN Convention to Combat Desertification- Desertification and Drought Day 2020: Short Film Series (Video)
NASA Earth Observatory- Amazon Forest Fires (Image)
NASA Earth Observatory- Reflecting on a Tumultuous Amazon Fire Season (Article)
NASA Earth Observatory- Human Ecosystems (Article)
Smithsonian Science Education Center- Habitats (Interactive Game for Grades 3-6)
Smithsonian Science Education Center- Beekeeper Presentation (Video)
Smithsonian Science Education Center- Photosynthesis: Blinded by the Light (Video)
Smithsonian Science Education Center- Home on the Range (Interactive Game for Grade 2)
Smithsonian Science Education Center- Expedition Insects (Ebook for Grades 3-5)
Collect Earth- Collect Earth Online (Data Maps)
NASA EarthData- Biological Diversity and Ecological Forecasting Data Pathfinder (Website)
Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
UN SDG Goal 16- Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (Website)
UNESCO- SDG Resources for Educators (Collection)
UN SDG- UN Goal 16: Why it Matters (Infographic Overview of Goal)
UN SDG- Goal 16 Summary (Infographic)
NASA- The Artemis Accords (Website)
Goal 17: Partnerships For The Goals
UN SDG Goal 17- Partnerships for the Goals (Website)
UNESCO- SDG Resources for Educators (Collection)
UN SDG- UN Goal 17: Why it Matters (Infographic Overview of Goal)
UN SDG- Goal 17 Summary (Infographic)
UN Environment Programme- UN Environment and NASA reach agreement on new global learning initiative (Article)